Thursday, 18 October 2012

[48] Lighing insertion for the Gallery Spaces

For the gallery Spaces 3 lighting family systems needed to be imported into the model, the first was the tracking system itself, the second was the track lights whih would be hosted by the tracking system and third the the dome reflector lights needed to provide ambient lighting for the gallery spaces.

The gallery space lighting set up

Modifying Light fixture Properties

Lighting Layout

Setting the track families up

Unfortunately some issues did arise; firstly as all the spaces used the structural floor above as the ceiling  lighting families needed to be face based rather than ceiling based otherwise they wouldn't attach to the structural floor. Additionally no track families could be sourced that were face based- ie hung from ceiling so essentially all the tracking was floating in mid air. this I'm sure would come up in the clash software, and would nonetheless be modeled if a further level of detail was to be acheived- we just didnt have the time!

Lastly, with all the families that were used, we had to ensure all the IES files were loaded- some weren't and just the lighitng fixture itself glowed without illuminating the scene!

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