Sunday 21 October 2012

[55] BIM Execution Plan Updates

The following additions and updates have been added to the BIM Managment Plan. These inclusions aim to  improve and streamline the collaborative preocess in the delivery of a Building Information Model that meets the quality requirments specified in the BIM Managment Plan as agreed to in the BIM Protocol.

Added to Section 2 BIM Management of the BMP 2.0 is:  2.2 Design Collaboration Meeting Template to assist in focusing the objectives of any scheduled meetings

Added to Section 5 Model Sharing is 5.3 Base Point Relationships where previously the absence of this protocol resulted inaccurate model synchronisation and rectification time delays.

Added to Section 5 Model Sharing of the BMP is: 5.7 Model Objectives and Respective LOD where previously there was not clarity as to the design intent or LOD of a particular model/ family, under construction.

Added to Section 5 Model Sharing is 5.8 Design Consultant Model Set Up to facilitate better coordination between the BDS Team and any external consultants introduced into the model process.

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