Sunday 12 August 2012

[9] Week 5 - Project Definition

        Week 5 Group submission
1. As-built (existing) building model
  Revit Models- Architectural, Structural, Services

-Model of existing
  Change all objects to the “Existing” Phase

-Site Plan created from Google Maps

-Orientate project to “True North”
-“Demolish” existing objects that are to be removed
-Create new views for different phases
-Names of files
-Location of files
-Keep log of file sizes for all 6 Revit discipline models and, IFC, IFC optimized files, every week as part of project monitoring
-Log number of IfcBuildingElementProxy objects
-Model Room Check from IES-VE Ware
-Select appropriate materials, building type, building system, and geographic location, and Cooling and Heating Fuel for the existing building and then run IES Analysis. Include pdf IES report
-Run Solibri Model Checker and log results
-Schedule of Areas

2. Design brief response (Text and images)
-Formalise building brief:
a. Total building area to remain the same
b. Create “Area Plans” in Revit to measure the existing areas and create a schedule
c. Building envelope to not be enlarged
d. Stairs and lift to remain
e. Add a third level for apartments and café
f.  Areas
  Ground Floor
  ~1400 sqm: Entry, galleries, shop, office, Workshop
  ~400 sqm courtyard - open to the sky
  First Floor
  ~1000 sqm Studios 5 studios: workspace, entry,   store, kitchenette, WC, shr
  Roof level
  ~600 sqm: Apartments 5 apartments
  Roof top garden, green wall
  ~200 sqm Café
-Formalise  your own project building brief
-Associated rooms that client has not specifically mentioned
-Your understanding of the relationships to achieve the clients   conception 
-Photos for ‘design references
-Spreadsheet of areas or schedule from Revit with some Room data   eg. Level, Room   Name, Area, Finishes
-Preliminary costings use rates from Rawlinsons – Use rates to match   our project Areas from Area Schedules
 -Areas from Area Schedules

-How to measure areas?
“Book of Areas for analysis and comparison of buildings” AIQS

   -GFA – Gross Floor Area
   -FECA – Fully Enclosed Covered Area
   -UCA – Unenclosed Covered Area
   -BA – Building Area or GBA- Gross Building Area
   -UFA – Useable Floor Area
   -Common Use Areas
   -Service Areas
   -Non-habitable Areas
   -Area Plans in Revit Architecture

3. Site Analysis (Graphics and text)
-Document site factors
-Add site information to Revit model
-Manage/Project Information
-Environmental criteria

4. Preliminary Concept Design (Graphics)
-Preliminary  design sketches
     -Perhaps better on butter paper or yellow trace
     -What issues have you identified for clarification by the client ?
     -Use Revit graphic capabilities
     -3D isometric views
     -Scope Box
     -Perspective (Camera) views
     -Sun / shadows
     -Shaded with edges, Hidden Line, Rendered views
     -Silhouette lines, Gradient backgrounds

5. BIM Management Plan
Template to use, etc…..
 NATSPEC documents

 a. NATSPEC National BIM Guide
 b. NATSPEC Project BIM Brief
 c. NATSPEC  Project BIM Management Plan
 d. Other reference documents

Submission: Due Thursday the 24th of August 5:00pm

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