Friday 10 August 2012

[5] Architectural Design

 Required Spaces:
  • Exhibition Spaces
  • Workshops
  • Studios
  • Cafe
  • Courtyard
  • Apartments

Initial Design Sketches:

Ground Floor
  • 1400sqm: Entry, galleries, shop, office workshop
  • 400sqm courtyard - open to the sky

Bubble Diagram illustrating spatial adjacencies and the addition/ amendment of spaces:

First Floor
  • 1000sqm studios: 5 studios: Workspace, entry, store, kitchenette, WC, shr

Bubble Diagram illustrating spatial adjacencies and the addition/ amendment of spaces:

Roof level
  • 600sqm: Apartments: 5 apartments
  • 200sqm cafe  
  • Rooftop garden, green wall

Bubble Diagram illustrating spatial adjacencies and the addition/ amendment of spaces:

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