Sunday 21 October 2012

[55] Individual Student Input

Detail individual student input into the BIM project collaboration process and reflect on the process with team members

Revised Role: 
BIM manager - setting up Revit files, quality assurance checking, general BIM coordination leader
Schematic Design - Architecture, Structure, delivering design concept
Design Development - Interior and Architecture modelling and design execution, presentation drawings.

Input into the BIM project collaboration process: Worked collaboratively with Hasini and Sam in design stage of Interior and Architecture models. Meeting with each of the team members to discuss design execution in their concept as well as quality assurance checking in each of the discipline models. 

Refection on the process with team members: The team worked very cohesively throughout all stages of the project. Structuring a set time each week to meet and work together on the project outside of class was extremely useful in terms of project development and collaboratively finding a solution to any issues which arose in the models. Having a strong concept and direction in the Design Brief Response document at the beginning of the project allowed everyone to gage what needed to be done to achieve the goals which were set out at the start of each week.

Revised role:  Architecture and the interior design modelling, solibri model checking
Input into the BIM project collaboration process: Working collaboratively with the Kristy in modelling and designing the studio spaces. Model analysis for errors 

Refection on the process with team members:  I felt the team worked well collaboratively and always communicated well with each other. We all generally  assisted each other through the process which made the collaboration process a great success  The only thing we could do the improve in future is to work on more model checking at the start of our project. This will allow us to recognise errors at the initial model set up stage. 


Revised role:  
My roles in the project where specifically:
Schematic Design Team -  Architecture
Schematic Design Team - Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture Model Creation and Delivery
Interior landscape Model Delivery Creation and Delivery

Input into the BIM project collaboration process:
Building Information Model Management Plan – formulation, delivery, amendment and management

Refection on the process with team members: 
This team member views the perceived team success of the project as being due to:
      1. Shared goals and beliefs in project outcomes.
      2. A recognition of each of the team members strengths.
      3. A genuine caring within the team for each of the team members and the desire to assist each in reaching their goals.

Revised role:  
Input into the BIM project collaboration process:

My roles in the project where specifically:
Schematic Design Team -  Architecture
Interior Design Team - Gallery Space Design and Modelling
Lighting Consultant tasked with lighting analysis and Implementation
Initial Site Model Delivery Including existing Built context

Refection on the process with team members:

I believe a number of factors lead to the success of this project as a team

1. An acknowledgment of Each other roles and responsibilities while still understanding the flexible nature of the project and a willingness to respond to that.
2. A clear and concise goal was shared between all members of the group.
3. An acknowledgment and respect for each other as designers and people
4. We were lucky enough to get on really well.

[55] BIM Execution Plan Updates

The following additions and updates have been added to the BIM Managment Plan. These inclusions aim to  improve and streamline the collaborative preocess in the delivery of a Building Information Model that meets the quality requirments specified in the BIM Managment Plan as agreed to in the BIM Protocol.

Added to Section 2 BIM Management of the BMP 2.0 is:  2.2 Design Collaboration Meeting Template to assist in focusing the objectives of any scheduled meetings

Added to Section 5 Model Sharing is 5.3 Base Point Relationships where previously the absence of this protocol resulted inaccurate model synchronisation and rectification time delays.

Added to Section 5 Model Sharing of the BMP is: 5.7 Model Objectives and Respective LOD where previously there was not clarity as to the design intent or LOD of a particular model/ family, under construction.

Added to Section 5 Model Sharing is 5.8 Design Consultant Model Set Up to facilitate better coordination between the BDS Team and any external consultants introduced into the model process.

[54] Solibri Model Checker Report

Solibri, Inc. Leads BIM Innovation, Defining BIM QA/QC by Introducing the BIM Quality Wizard

“Widespread adoption of BIM is targeting better buildings, more economic design solutions, more effective construction and sustainable development. These targets require meeting the requirements and needs of different stakeholders, and being able to verify the right quality in design and construction.” states Mr. Heikki Kulusjärvi, CEO of Solibri, Inc. The key for meeting the ever increasing requirements is the ability to perform Quality Assurance, the set of systematic tasks used to assure the quality of a product, and Quality Control, the process of verifying that requirements are consistently met.
“BIM requirements exist out of necessity. Solibri, Inc. has provided the AEC industry with the state-of-the-art BIM QA/QC and analysis solution, Solibri Model Checker, improving design quality and the effectiveness of the construction phase. The key challenge has been that implementing practical and repeatable BIM QA/QC is difficult and requires expertise and experience. We are especially proud to announce SMC v8, since this solves the above QA/QC challenge by introducing step-by-step process support. It enables the AEC community, for the first time, to perform repeatable QA/QC and BIM analysis tasks with unsurpassed ease from project to project, and to implement a BIM Quality Assurance process, guided by clear and concise instructions.” states Mr. Heikki Kulusjärvi.

Easy, Effective and Globally Customizable QA/QC

“By introducing the Solibri Model Checker v8, we make it possible for our users to define how QA/QC tasks are performed, create dependable, reliable and useful Quality Assurance reports, and communicate these to other project stakeholders. Stakeholders are then able to comment on any issues discovered, establishing the Solibri Model Checker as an excellent communication and collaboration tool at the same time. We are also happy to introduce – again as an industry first - BIM quality measurement and reporting, giving our users a clear and consistent picture of the BIM quality from project to project.” continues Mr. Kulusjärvi.