Thursday 27 September 2012

[26] Apartment Design

                                                                01. Design option 1                              02. Design option 2

Apartment Design

When designing the apartments a layout was quickly configured in Revit with walls and basic furniture to see how well that layout would function. Design critic occured between the architect and interior designer (Hasini and Kristy) to talk about what worked and what didn't. Then from that a solution was implemented into the Interior Revit model. As you can see from the two options above the following changes occured:
  • reconfigure kitchen to be situated along the wall of the bathroom - this keeps all the pluming in one area.
  • move the stairs to run along the exterior wall - this increases the size of the kitchen and dining area.
  • move laundry to under the stairs instead of being apart of the bathroom - this ustilises the space under the stairs and allows for access into the bathroom.
  • move the entry door to the hallway rather than entering through bedroom - drawings need to be cleaned up
The apartment shell (exterior and party walls of all the apartments) was modelled into the architecture model and the interior layout has been modelled in the interior model. This method was undertaken so the Architecture model was not overloaded with too much detail that it would slow the file down. 

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