Wednesday 12 September 2012

[13] Setting up Central Files

Creating Worksets
The first step in creating a central file is to set up worksets. This is done through the collaboration tab in revit, and worksets. We have opted to just keep the standard "workset 1" and "shared levels and grids" worksets and not to set up more for this stage. If in the future worksets are needed then they will be added as the project progresses.

Saving Central File
The central files were saved in \\studentshare\ed-studentshare\BEB-212\BDS\Drawings\BIM Models\Revit Files. This central location is accessible from any computer on the QUT network, meaning when we are in class we can work on our local files which are able to update the central file on student share drive. The naming convention for central files includes "CENTRAL" at the end of each file name  eg "MCN_Architectural Model_CENTRAL.rvt" (the same convention is used for local files but with "LOCAL" at the end of each name.  This ensures users are aware of whether they are accessing the central or local file.

Reloading Links
As the files were moved and saved in a different location with a different name this interupted the links within the models as the file locations did not match up. This issue was easily fixed by going to the manage links window and choosing "reload from" to update the file path and name to the central models.

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