Tuesday 25 September 2012

[24] Car Parking Requirements

Under the requirments of the Brisbane City Plan 2000, minimum parking for Project MCN shall be as follows:

   Total GFA = 1800 sqm  thus 108 spaces required

Total redidential  GFA < 75 sqm = 5 apartments thus 5 x 1 spaces required
                          GFA > 75 sqm = 5 apartments thus 5 x 1.25 spaces required

Service bay reqs for 1500sqm to 1999sqm are:
                             2 for VAN
                             2 for SVR
                             1 for MVR

3% of parking shall be provided for people with disabilities

15% of surface car park sites be permanently landscaped with shade trees, shrubs and groundcovers

Planting intent shall include consideration of the following:

Trees often perform poorly when planted in areas with hard surfaces, suffering stress from lack of water
and air. When trees do grow well there is often a conflict due to roots damaging the surface.
The following points should be considered when selecting species.
a) Plants should be selected that have vigorous growth, longevity, minimal maintenance and ample
b) No trees are to be planted within 2 metres of underground services or 1 metre of footpaths and
kerbs, unless root barriers are provided
c) Trees or shrubs should not be planted where cars overhang, unless wheel stops are installed. The
normal car overhang allowance is 1 metre.
d) Plants with thorns and berries are generally not suitable for car parks and should not be used.
e) Shrubs and trees should be selected that require minimal pruning at maturity.
f) Trees that drop nuisance litter such as fruit, bark and sap are not suitable for car parks.
g) Trees need air and water in the root zone. An area of porous paving should be provided for at least
one metre on all sides of trees.

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